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In order to bootstrap your local environment, read the Configuration and Usage sections of the CLI document. Also read all of the intro sections, especially those pertaining to Security and Getting Access.

Once you have installed the openstack client, additionally install the trove client into your environment. The trove client will interact with the database service.

python3 -m pip install --user python-troveclient

Example Usage

Test your client by listing the available datastores. Only mysql and postgresql are available at this time.

 openstack datastore list 

Obtain UUIDs

You need two UUID numbers before you create a database. The UUID of an existing flavor and the UUID of an existing network.

The flavor will decide the size of the underlying system that hosts your database. Use the flavor m1.medium.

The network will determine if and how your database can be reached. For an Internet accessible database service, use the network named campus37. Your database instance will be exposed directly to the Internet by default

List flavors and network UUIDs and note the m1.medium and campus37 UUIDs in the output.

# openstack database flavor list
| ID                                   | Name                  |   RAM | vCPUs | Disk | Ephemeral |
| 0ff9f4c1-7b57-4d5e-89fe-25511963c389 | m1.xlarge             | 16384 |     8 |  128 |         0 |
| 74a0f626-dfa8-43bb-9648-29bafeef48c1 | m1.small              |  2048 |     1 |   32 |         0 |
| 8c70c6f6-0608-415e-8674-ed948d8a3387 | m1.medium             |  4096 |     1 |   64 |         0 |
| 94ab1283-8ccb-4449-a442-576824c08289 | m1.tiny               |  1024 |     1 |    8 |         0 |
| f2bec4b9-6a4f-4c62-8706-9e40bce9fd1d | m1.large              |  8192 |     2 |  128 |         0 |
# openstack network list
| ID                                   | Name               | Subnets                              |
| 31ad6cfa-e586-45fc-91aa-819e53b89c04 | curry              | 70d8751b-767a-4ca5-bae3-993b0012020b |
| 3f510b67-d623-44fe-8e35-e6e2beb9dfb5 | cloud              | 9d2c428a-14b7-4820-aeca-57fe3faaae0b |
| b5d53de5-9ebe-4166-950e-957d4f2507de | campus37           | e4c5c059-616b-4321-b8fd-72510f4b7c5e |

MySQL Usage Example

These examples may include sample output or IDs that can change. Beware if you copy and paste it.

Determine what datastore versions are available (what we have successfully tested)

openstack datastore version list mysql
| ID                                   | Name      | Version |
| ce40c975-0c62-4cee-aeac-a202150d9c71 | 5.7.29    |         |
| 011bf990-34c5-41dc-9d94-cd29ad86dbd9 | 5.7.33    |         |

Launch Instance

This command will request a MySQL 5.7.29, 10GB database named mytestdb with a specific user and password.

openstack database instance create mydb \
  --flavor 8c70c6f6-0608-415e-8674-ed948d8a3387 \
  --nic net-id=b5d53de5-9ebe-4166-950e-957d4f2507de \
  --size 10 \
  --databases mytestdb \
  --users chudler:NotVewySecure \
  --datastore mysql \
  --datastore-version 5.7.29 \
  --allowed-cidr \

After a few moments, check the status of your database instance.

openstack database instance show mydb
| Field                    | Value                                   |
| allowed_cidrs            | ['', ''] |
| created                  | 2019-06-21T15:26:04                     |
| datastore                | mysql                                   |
| datastore_version        | 5.7.29                                  |
| datastore_version_number | None                                    |
| encrypted_rpc_messaging  | True                                    |
| flavor                   | 8c70c6f6-0608-415e-8674-ed948d8a3387    |
| id                       | 0a5a73d0-fc83-4873-9b33-118461f3064c    |
| name                     | mydb                                    |
| public                   | False                                   |
| region                   | RegionOne                               |
| server_id                | 0657840f-6378-437b-9741-f908464f8358    |
| service_status_updated   | 2019-06-21T15:26:04                     |
| status                   | BUILD                                   |
| tenant_id                | f6f2d3457ef447ed96f7a3e8b7ffcd41        |
| updated                  | 2019-06-21T15:26:17                     |
| volume                   | 10                                      |
| volume_id                | 2b45febc-eabc-436d-b28b-da05c19efeb7    |

Note that your instance status is set to BUILD until the database is ready. This output also includes the server_id which is crucial for troubleshooting, and shows how your database is backed by an on-demand virtual instance.

When the database instance status chances to HEALTHY, you can connect to your database using the IP address that is shown in the ouput:

mysql -u chudler -h --password=NotVewySecure

Customizing DB Configuration

You can change the configuration of the database while it is running, and apply configurations across groups of systems. See Upstream Docs

PostgreSQL Usage Example

Follow the preceding MySQL example, but ask for a different datastore and version in the instance request. For example

openstack database instance create myPGdb \
  --flavor 8c70c6f6-0608-415e-8674-ed948d8a3387 \
  --nic net-id=b5d53de5-9ebe-4166-950e-957d4f2507de \
  --size 10 \
  --databases mytestdb \
  --users chudler:NotVewySecure \
  --datastore postgresql \
  --datastore-version 12.6 \
  --allowed-cidr \

We do not yet support PG13.

External Users Docs

The Official Docs have a lot of information that is not covered here.

  • Backup/Snapshot
  • Managing Users
  • Managing DBs
  • Upgrading
  • Configuration
  • Replication
  • Clustering
/var/lib/dokuwiki/data/attic/cloud/recipe/sql_service.1618501408.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/04/15 10:43 by chudler

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