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GCC Versions that are already installed on CS infrastructure
Usually, we install multiple versions. The default version of GCC probably won't be changed system wide… ever.
We are now taking more advantage of environment modules. This means depending on when you read this you could load the version of GCC you want to use.
$ module --terse avail |grep gcc /etc/environment-modules/modules: gcc/4.9.4 gcc/5.5.0 gcc/6.5.0 gcc/7.5.0 gcc/8.4.0 gcc/9.3.0 gcc/10.2.0
$ module load gcc/4.9.4
$ echo "$PATH | $INCLUDE | $LD_LIBRARY_PATH | $MANPATH" /usr/local/gcc/4.9.4/bin:/home/kauffman3/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games:/opt/puppetlabs/bin | /usr/local/gcc/4.9.4/include | /usr/local/gcc/4.9.4/lib | /usr/local/gcc/4.9.4/man:/usr/share/man
$ gcc --version gcc (GCC) 4.9.4
$ module unload gcc
Building GCC in your home directory
You will want to prepare a sandwich and a drink once we start compiling.
- About 6.5G of scratch space.
- ~1G for the actual install. This means if you require a higher quota you will need to request this before proceeding.
You will want to use /var/tmp, /tmp, or /local as the place to checkout and build GCC.
#!/bin/bash gccversion='7.1.0' PREFIX="$HOME/.local/gcc/${gccversion}" # Building gcc gccversionuc="${gccversion//./_}" INSTALLDIR=/tmp/$USER mkdir -p $INSTALLDIR cd $INSTALLDIR svn co svn://${gccversionuc}_release gcc-${gccversion} cd gcc-${gccversion} ./contrib/download_prerequisites cd ../ mkdir objdir cd objdir $PWD/../gcc-${gccversion}/configure \ --prefix=$PREFIX \ --enable-languages=c,c++,fortran,go \ --enable-shared \ --enable-multiarch \ --enable-threads=posix make -j4 make install # clean up rm -r $INSTALLDIR/objdir export PATH=$HOME/$PREFIX/bin:$PATH export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/$PREFIX/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH echo "You should add the following to your .bashrc" echo "to make the exports permanent" echo " export PATH=\$HOME/$PREFIX/bin:\$PATH" echo " export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=\$HOME/$PREFIX/lib:\$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
'module' command not found
To resolve you may have to do the following:
source /etc/profile.d/
/var/lib/dokuwiki/data/pages/nix/gcc.txt · Last modified: 2021/01/20 12:25 by kauffman