This is an old revision of the document!
Table of Contents
AI Cluster Policy Description
After various iterations we (Bob, Har, and I) believe to have an implementation of the policy that meets the requirements discussed previously.
- There are multiple methods used to calculate priority reflected on the spreadsheet.
- Double check the math for correctness.
- Does the math reflect our intent? I think it does.
- Multiple methods in calculating priority are reflected (blue to purple cells: har_priority, normalized_priority, weighted_normalized_priority
- Choose one calculation to use. This decision doesn't prevent us from changing it later if we find another calculation works better.
- If you have a suggestion: Please show us the work in a new column or by cloning the sheet.
AI Cluster Tracking and Priority calculation spreadsheet
AI Cluster committee members have access.
Sheet usage
- All donations will get logged into the spreadsheet under the 'log' sheet.
- Hardware donation gets converted to USD by techstaff. A receipt of the purchase is good starting point.
- donations get assigned a POSIX group. Group must have a primary contact, who then gets to set members for that group.
- The group 'cs' is calculated on the spreadsheet but doesn't actually get any priority set. 'general' is for all CS users. It needs to be part of the total sum but is treated as a special case with 0 priority.
- Red: Do not edit
- Green: user input (This will be Techstaff 95% of the time)
- `groups` sheet:
- calculates contribution amount for use in `contrib-priority`.
- tracks group name and primary owner
- `contrib-priority` calculation references contrib amounts calculated in `groups`.
By default the cluster uses a fair share algorithm with multiple factors to adjust job priorities.
Generally Slurm will use this formula to determine a jobs priority.
Job_priority = site_factor + (PriorityWeightAge) * (age_factor) + (PriorityWeightAssoc) * (assoc_factor) + (PriorityWeightFairshare) * (fair-share_factor) + (PriorityWeightJobSize) * (job_size_factor) + (PriorityWeightPartition) * (partition_factor) + (PriorityWeightQOS) * (QOS_factor) + SUM(TRES_weight_cpu * TRES_factor_cpu, TRES_weight_<type> * TRES_factor_<type>, ...) - nice_factor
The factors on the left that start with Priority*
can and are set in the Slurm cluster configuration file (found on all nodes at /etc/slurm-llnl/slurm.conf):
fe01:~$ cat /etc/slurm-llnl/slurm.conf |grep "^Priority" PriorityType=priority/multifactor PriorityDecayHalfLife=08:00:00 PriorityMaxAge=5-0 PriorityWeightFairshare=500000 PriorityWeightPartition=100000 PriorityWeightQOS=0 PriorityWeightJobSize=0 PriorityWeightAge=0 PriorityFavorSmall=YES
**Note that this example may not be up to date when you read this.
We adjust those priorities with partitions for those who have donated either monetarily or with hardware. Hardware donations get converted a monetary value when logged on the spreadsheet.
Every contribution gets assigned a POSIX group, hereon refered to as $group
Here is a version of the partition configuration as it stands now (2021-02-10).
PartitionName=general Nodes=a[001-008] PartitionName=cdac-own Nodes=a[005-008] AllowGroups=cdac Priority=100 PartitionName=cdac-contrib Nodes=a[001-008] AllowGroups=cdac Priority=5
Partition | Description |
general | For all users |
${group}-own | Machines $group has donated |
${group}-contrib | A method to give slightly higher job priority to groups who have donated but do not own machines. |
The key thing to notice before you continue reading is that nodes can be added to multiple partitions.
'general' and 'cdac-contrib' can submit to all nodes but with different priorities.
Priority is normalized in the sheet to be 0-100.
Understanding the partition configuration:
- All users get access to partition
. It has a default priority of 0. - Group 'cdac' has donated nodes
. They always get top priority on those machines (Priority=100). This means that at most they would wait 4 hours for their job to be submitted. - 'cdac-contrib' or "${groupname}-contrib". Since 'cdac', in this example, has donated to the cluster they should get a higher priority on other machines as well.
We do the following calculation to determine the *-contrib
partitions (cdac-contrib) usage over the past 30 days in comparison to total cluster usage.
partition usage total time in seconds for 30 days ------------------------------------------------------ = percent used all partition usage total time in seconds for 30 days
The percent will end up as an integer.
You'll see on the spreadsheet we take subtract this number from 100, ensure it's positive and call that "idleness".
Total amount of money contributed and "idleness" are the key factors in determining the priority of a groups 'contrib' partition.
This calculation will be run once a month and the relevant groups ${group}-contrib priority updated to reflect past months usage.
Note that the term "idleness" should not be taken literally. I don't know of way to actually calculate true idleness. I do believe that the current calculation reflects the intent of the term.
AI Cluster Admin
Since I'm still working on it, I don't guarantee any uptime yet. Mainly I need to make sure TRES tracking is working like we want. This will involve restarting slurmd and slurmctld which will kill running jobs.
generate report of storage usagegroups (Slurm 'Accounts') created for PI's.e.g. ericj_group: ericj, user1, user1, etc
grab QOS data from somewhere (gsheet or some kind of DB)Properly deploy sync scriptSystemd unitmain loop
research on slurm plugin to force GRES selection on job submit. Might be able to use:SallocDefaultCommandOtherwise look for 'AccountingStorageTRES' and 'JobSubmitPlugins' and /etc/slurm-llnl/job_submit.lua ⇐ used to force user to specify '–gres'.jobs that do not specify a specific gpu type (e.g. gpu:rtx8000 or gpu:rtx2080ti) could be counted against either one but not specifically the you actually used.From 'AccountingStorageTRES' in slurm.conf: "Given a configuration of "AccountingStorageTRES=gres/gpu:tesla,gres/gpu:volta" Then "gres/gpu:tesla" and "gres/gpu:volta" will track jobs that explicitly request those GPU types. If a job requests GPUs, but does not explicitly specify the GPU type, then its resource allocation will be accounted for as either "gres/gpu:tesla" or "gres/gpu:volta", although the accounting may not match the actual GPU type allocated to the job and the GPUs allocated to the job could be heterogeneous. In an environment containing various GPU types, use of a job_submit plugin may be desired in order to force jobs to explicitly specify some GPU type."
ganglia for Slurm: why summary view is no longer a thing.
update 'coolgpus'. Lose VTs when this is running.coolgpus: sets fan speeds of all gpus in system.Goal is to statically set fan speeds to 80%. The only way to do this is with fake Xservers… but that means you lose all the VTs. Is this a compromise I'm willing to make?It is.
- home directory
setup backups for home dirsdefault quotauserland tool to check quotahome directory usage report
- monitoring
basic node monitor- nfs or bandwidth monitoring
- gpu
- sync script
fix bug to ensure accounts and users are created