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techstaff:adobe [2024/10/07 15:15] adahlertechstaff:adobe [2024/10/07 15:25] (current) – [Students] adahler
Line 14: Line 14:
 ==== Faculty/Staff ==== ==== Faculty/Staff ====
-  - +  - If you wish to renew/purchase a license, log in at 
 +  - If you are not renewing, email Tech Staff and include the account you want to use to purchase the license and which software you would like. 
 ==== Students ==== ==== Students ====
-  - Include the end-user name, UChicago email address, and Adobe product in the email to Tech Staff. +  - Contact your advisor to see if they will sponsor your Adobe account. 
-  - Include if the end-user is a student if trying to purchase with the $65/year deal. +  - Include the end-user name, UChicago email address, and Adobe product in an email to Tech Staff. 
 +  - Note you are a student if trying to purchase with the $65/year deal. 
/var/lib/dokuwiki/data/attic/techstaff/adobe.1728332139.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/10/07 15:15 by adahler

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