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vm:changelog [2017/08/23 14:24] – created borjavm:changelog [2019/09/24 17:07] borja
Line 1: Line 1:
 +===== VM Changelog =====
 +==== 201920.1 ====
 +**Date**: September 24, 2019
 +Updated click and the CS setup script:
 +  sudo -H pip3 install click uchicago_cs_setup_script --upgrade
 +==== 201920.1-rc1 ====
 +**Date**: September 23, 2019
 +Updated existing software:
 +  sudo apt update
 +  sudo apt dist-upgrade -u
 +  sudo apt autoremove
 +Updated VirtualBox Guest Additions to version 5.2.18 (VirtualBox "Devices" menu -> Insert Guest Additions CD image)
 +Updated ''pip'' and ''setuptools'':
 +  sudo -H pip3 install setuptools pip --upgrade
 +Updated chisubmit:
 +  sudo -H pip3 install chisubmit --upgrade
 +Updated software used in CMSC 12100:
 +  sudo -H pip3 install --upgrade pandas numpy scipy matplotlib jupyter ipython emoji tabulate twitter cairocffi pygraphviz networkx pydot_ng pydot sklearn pylint
 +==== 201819.2 ====
 +**Date**: January 5, 2019
 +Remove imagemagick package, which usually causes issues in CS 121 (because of its ''import'' command):
 +    sudo apt remove imagemagick
 +Install CMake and traceroute:
 +    sudo apt install cmake traceroute
 +Install clang:
 +    wget -O - | sudo apt-key add -
 +    sudo apt-add-repository "deb llvm-toolchain-xenial-7 main"
 +    sudo apt update
 +    sudo apt install clang-7 clang-format-7 clang-tidy-7
 +==== 201819.1 ====
 +**Date**: September 26, 2018
 +Upgrade the UChicago CS Setup Script:
 +  sudo -H pip3 install uchicago-cs-setup-script --upgrade
 +Removed user-local Python packages and executables that seemed to have been installed a long time ago, and which would likely conflict with system-wide packages.
 +  rm -rf .local/lib/python3.5/
 +  rm -rf .local/bin/
 +==== 201819.1-rc2 ====
 +**Date**: September 24, 2018
 +Removed Sublime Text 2:
 +  rm -rf /home/student/Software/
 +  rm -rf /home/student/bin/
 +  rm -rf /home/student/.config/sublime-text-2
 +  # Removed subl alias from .bashrc_cs
 +Added Sublime Text 3:
 +  wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add -
 +  sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https
 +  echo "deb apt/stable/" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sublime-text.list
 +  sudo apt-get update
 +  sudo apt-get install sublime-text
 +  # Add 'rm -rf ~student/.config/sublime-text-3' to /root/
 +Added PyCharm:
 +  sudo snap install pycharm-community --classic
 +Installed pylint:
 +  sudo pip3 install pylint
 +Added the following to '''' to clear caches and reduce VM image size:
 +  echo "Clearing caches..."
 +  apt clean
 +  rm -rf ~student/.cache
 +  rm -rf /root/.cache
 +==== 201819.1-rc1 ====
 +**Date**: September 19, 2018
 +Added xenial-updates package sources:
 +  deb xenial-updates main restricted
 +  deb xenial-updates universe
 +  deb xenial-updates multiverse
 +Updated existing software:
 +  sudo apt update
 +  sudo apt dist-upgrade -u
 +  sudo apt autoremove
 +Updated VirtualBox Guest Additions to version 5.2.18 (VirtualBox "Devices" menu -> Insert Guest Additions CS)
 +Updated ''pip'' and ''setuptools'':
 +  sudo -H pip2 install setuptools pip --upgrade
 +  sudo -H pip3 install setuptools pip --upgrade
 +Updated chisubmit to 2.0:
 +  sudo -H pip2 uninstall chisubmit
 +  sudo -H pip3 install chisubmit
 +Updated ''/usr/local/bin/update-cs-software'' to update chisubmit with pip3 instead of pip2
 +Updated software used in CMSC 12100:
 +  sudo -H pip3 install --upgrade pandas numpy matplotlib jupyter
 +  sudo -H pip3 install --upgrade emoji tabulate twitter
 +Added packages needed by CMSC 12100:
 +  sudo apt install graphviz graphviz-dev libffi6 libffi-dev
 +  sudo -H pip3 install cairocffi pygraphviz networkx pydot_ng pydot sklearn
 +==== 201718.3 ====
 +**Date**: January 2, 2018
 +Updated existing software:
 +  sudo apt update
 +  sudo apt dist-upgrade -u
 +  sudo apt autoremove
 +Added Python packages needed by CMSC 23300:
 +  sudo -H pip3 install pytest-json pytest-html
 +  sudo -H pip2 install ipaddress --upgrade
 +Added packages needed by CMSC 23300:
 +  sudo apt install libtool protobuf-compiler protobuf-c-compiler libprotoc-dev mininet
 +  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:snaipewastaken/ppa
 +  sudo apt-get update
 +  sudo apt-get install criterion-dev
 +==== 201718.2 ====
 +**Date**: September 20, 2017
 +Updated the Guest OS tools (select Devices -> "Install Guest Additions CD image"; run)
 +Disabled automatic updates (Settings -> Software & Updates -> Updates; unchecked "updates from..." boxes; set "Automatically check for updates" to Never; set "Notify me of a new Ubuntu version" to Never)
 +Added multiverse and universe sources to apt
 +==== 201718.1 ====
 +**Date**: September 18, 2017
 +No changes. Version update only to indicate this is no longer a release candidate.
 +==== 201718.1-rc3 ====
 +**Date**: August 31, 2017
 +Updated existing software:
 +  sudo apt-get update
 +  sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -u
 +Added Python packages needed by CMSC 12100:
 +  sudo -H pip3 install emoji pandas tabulate twitter
 +Added alias to ''~student/.bashrc_cs''
 +  alias subl=sublime_text
 +Modified ''/root/'' to remove the Sublime Text history:
 +  rm ~student/.config/sublime-text-2/Settings/Session.sublime_session
 +==== 201718.1-rc2 ====
 +**Date**: August 25, 2017
 +Changed default Java version to 1.8.0_131 (instead of Java 9)
 +Updated to chisubmit 1.3.0 (ran ''update-cs-software'')
 +Installed additional packages:
 +  apt-get install mono-runtime mono-mcs php7.0-cli
 +Installed Pintos following [[|these instructions]].
 +Modified ''/root/'' to do additional cleanup, and to add to trusted SSH hosts:
 +  rm -rf /tmp/*
 +  rm -rf ~student/.vim
 +  rm -rf ~student/.emacs.d
 +  rm -rf ~student/.gitconfig
 +  ssh-keyscan -H > ~student/.ssh/known_hosts
 +  ssh-keyscan -H $(dig +short >> ~student/.ssh/known_hosts
 +  chown -R student.student ~student/.ssh
 ==== 201718.1-rc1 ==== ==== 201718.1-rc1 ====
/var/lib/dokuwiki/data/pages/vm/changelog.txt · Last modified: 2022/05/12 08:56 by borja

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