NAQ (Never Asked Questions)

Q: What are all of the services enabled?

Q: What are the cloud services that are provided by those named above?

A: Roughly speaking:

Q: What about containers (docker)?

A: Container Docs

Q: I don't understand how to get started using it.

A: See "Getting and Using Access" in the Introduction .

Q: Access methods?


Q: My servers are in ERROR state

A: If the servers had been running previously, this is bad and may not be recoverable (!!). Talk to us ASAP about anything that you know. We'll troubleshoot. The upside is that the servers might be gone but the volumes and anything else associated with them (ports, etc) can be attached to entirely new servers, as is often done in clouds.

Update: Ask about our newly supported Rescue Mode

Q: How fast is it?

A: We believe it to be good enough for instructional use (compare with research/HPC use). There is some evidence that it can sustain 100MB/s random writes through to the backend. Aside from I/O, we tolerate less than 50% over-commit of CPU.

Q: Is my data safe?

A: The system is stable under known/ordinary/default setups. Virtual machine data is fully redundant and replicated 3x across a cluster.

Q: How does the SSH key injection work?

A: Cloud-init. You won't be able to do this unless you are using a "cloud-ready" operating system

Q: What operating systems are supported?

A: We are prepared to run any workload if you are willing to put in requisite work also. We know it to be compatible with all major Unixes and Windows. Building an image is required before an instance can be launched and this is usually done with image building tools. See Image Tools .

Q: What about limitations?

A: The following quotas are set on your account and projects, only for the safety of the cloud. We will lift these easily if you need it (values are unspecified here, as yet, sorry):

Q: What do I need to bring to use this software?

A: The following are requirements for consuming Compute Resources:

Everything else depends on what you will do with the resources that are available. The introduction will guide you through managing your own cloud resources.