This is the script that cleans up the student's home directory and frees up space in the VM before creating a golden image. **Do not run this on a VM you are already using**, as this will wipe out a number of files in the student home directory. #!/bin/bash echo "Removing unused packages..." apt auto-remove -y echo "Cleaning logs..." # Stop logging service service rsyslog stop # Clear logs logrotate -f /etc/logrotate.conf rm /var/log/*.gz /var/log/*.1 echo "Cleaning /tmp and /var/tmp..." rm -rf /tmp/* rm -rf /var/tmp/* echo "Removing SSH keys..." rm -rf ~student/.ssh/* rm -rf ~root/.ssh/* echo "Removing configuration files and histories..." rm -rf ~root/.bash_history rm -rf ~student/.bash_history rm -rf ~student/.mozilla/firefox rm -rf ~student/.ipython rm -rf ~student/.chisubmit rm -rf ~student/.vim rm -rf ~student/.emacs.d rm -rf ~student/.gitconfig rm -rf ~student/.local/share/recently-used.xbel rm -rf ~student/.config/sublime-text-3 echo "Removing old snaps..." # From LANG=en_US.UTF-8 snap list --all | awk '/disabled/{print $1, $3}' | while read snapname revision; do snap remove "$snapname" --revision="$revision" done echo "Clearing caches..." apt clean rm -rf ~student/.cache rm -rf /root/.cache rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* rm -rf /var/lib/snapd/cache/* echo "Adding SSH host key for" ssh-keyscan -H > ~student/.ssh/known_hosts ssh-keyscan -H $(dig +short >> ~student/.ssh/known_hosts chown -R student.student ~student/.ssh sync