====== Permissions ======
[[http://www.grymoire.com/Unix/Permissions.html|Read this first]].
===== Securing a directory =====
You're here because you heard that this would a good idea. There are going to be many ways to ensure a directory is 'secure', but that will depend on your requirements.
I will assume that you are the only person that will need access to said directory. I also will not try to explain unix permissions to you. If you want to know more I suggest you read the link at the top of this page. Follow along below to create a directory that only you will be able to access.
Given a directory ''%%foo%%'' we can do the following:
chown $USER:$USER foo
$USER will translate to your username, but we recommend you actually type out your username.
This will set the user and the group to $USER.
Now make sure that only the user field can has access to the directory.
chmod 700 foo
==== I have a directory structure full of files and I want to ensure no one else can read them ====
I got your back.
chmod -R go-rwx foo
-R: recursive.
g: select group permission
o: select other permission
-: remove
r: read permission
w: write permission
x: execute permission
We are asking ''%%chmod%%'' to remove read, write, and execute permissions on the group and other permission fields.