=====S3 Quickstart (demo)===== This document is a recipe showing how to use S3 interface for first-time user. Before you start, see [[ cloud:cli ]] for setup. Ensure that you can authenticate and use the openstack client before proceeding. =====Credentials===== Obtain application credentials openstack ec2 credentials create ======Test Access with S3CMD Utility====== Install the s3cmd utility python3 -m pip install --user s3cmd Edit ''~/.s3cfg'' to include the credentials [default] access_key = secret_key = host_base = https://overcloud.cs.uchicago.edu:8000 host_bucket = https://overcloud.cs.uchicago.edu:8000 ====Test==== s3cmd mb S3://chudler-bucket1 s3cmd ls S3://chudler-bucket1 ======Test Access with Python Boto (example)====== Install boto library python3 -m pip install --user boto import boto access_key = '' secret_key = '' conn = boto.connect_s3( aws_access_key_id = access_key, aws_secret_access_key = secret_key, host = 'overcloud.cs.uchicago.edu', port = 8000, is_secure=True ) for bucket in conn.get_all_buckets(): print("{name}\t{created}".format( name = bucket.name, created = bucket.creation_date, )) bucket = conn.get_bucket('chudler-bucket') # key = bucket.new_key('hello.txt') # key.set_contents_from_string('Hello World!') # hello_key = bucket.get_key('hello.txt') # hello_key.set_canned_acl('public-read') # UNSAFE! WATCH OUT! # hello_key.set_canned_acl('private')